傾斜地保全研究分野 Slope Conservation Section, Research groupe of geohazards.

業績 【2017年度】

■ 原著論文 (Journals):

  • 中町聡、松浦純生、平島寛行、阿部 修、阿部和時(2017):樹木模型を用いた予備的な融雪実験、日本雪工学会誌、(印刷中)
  • 竹田尚史、八反地剛、松四雄騎、寺嶋智巳 (2017):伊豆大島において2013年台風26号により発生した表層崩壊の近傍斜面における雨水浸透過程. 地形 38, 265-279.
  • Matsuura, S., Okamoto, T., Asano, S., Osawa, H. and Shibasaki, T. (2017): Influences of the snow cover on landslide displacement in winter period: A case study in a heavy snowfall area of Japan, Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-6693-7.
  • Osawa, H., Matsuura, S., Matsushi, Y. and Okamoto, T.(2017): Seasonal change in permeability of surface soils on a slow-moving landslide in a heavy snow region, Engineering Geology, 221, 1-9, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2017.02.019.
  • Shibasaki, T., Matsuura, S. and Hasegawa, Y.(2017): Temperature-dependent residual shear strength characteristics of smectite-bearing landslide soils, Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth, 122(2), 1449-1469, DOI: 10.1002/2016JB013241.
  • Terajima,T., Moriizumi,M., and Nakamura,T. (2017): Non-free ionic transport of sodium, magnesium, and calcium in streams of two adjacent headwater catchments with different vegetation types in Japan. J. Hydrol., 544, 58--73.; DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.012.
  • Yamazaki,T., Hattori,K., Kaneda,H., Sakai,H., Izumi.Y., Terajima,T. (2017): Development of Monitoring System to Understand Preparation Processes of Rainfall-Induced Landslides Estimation of Slip Surface and In-Situ Observation using Electromagnetic Methods, Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan(受理).